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Building LPE Student Networks at RebLaw – Feb 15 & 16


Reminder to law student readers: RebLaw 2019 will take place at Yale Law School on February 15 and 16. Law students who want to be part of building a left answer to the Federalist Society should be there. Final Image Logo_2016On Saturday, February 16 from 3:45-5:15, join LPE law student organizers for a workshop on launching an LPE student network at your law school!

At RebLaw 2019, which takes place at Yale Law School on February 15 and 16, law students who are prepared to build organizations that will help the left take power will meet and scheme. Law students at Yale and Harvard have already formed student groups, and will share what they have done and resources they have created. Students at other law schools are planning to do the same. If you’ve already done so or are interested in doing so, send an email to

If you’re interested in organizing on your campus – whether you can make it to RebLaw or not – fill out this brief survey and student organizers will be in touch to help you get things started.